Monday, December 03, 2007

Getting in the holiday spirit

It's hard to believe it's december and christmas is around the corner. Joel got the tree up and was too cute trying to decorate it with Bella. I was studying and they knocked to see if I wanted to help decorate. Joel and the holiday station on and decorations everywhere. Bella of course helped empty the boxes and found some beads which were the most fun...the actually entertained her for almost an hour. She wasn't too excited that the tree was in the "kennel" and she couldn't take the ornament off, but we figured it was safer for everyone in the house. Papa and Nana stopped by before heading to the office christmas party to bring Bella presents from New York. Bella loved the paper in the bag and her new snowman slippers, but the fur on the dress and the hat she didn't know to fight with it or eat it.

Since we didn't know what blogging was until earlier this year, I though I would put up pictures from last year. Bella is so tiny.

Why is the tree inside the kennel?
Beads are lots of fun!!!
"helping" decorate the tree
Oh my pretty dress and slippers (no they were not bought to go together)


The Hodges Family said...

oh my word! at first i thought joel was holding a doll!! she looks so small a year ago!! she's SO cute! we miss you guys so much too!! and we'd LOVE to get together, i was telling stac, after christmas would prob. be best for us, but we'll SURE be looking forward to seeing you guys, we love you!!!!! jess