Bella and her zebra from Santa this video is a little out of order, but didn't want you to miss it.
We hope everyone had a great Christmas! It was wonderful having Bella's 2nd Christmas, she still wasn't sure what was going on most of the time, but she loved the tissue paper and we can't wait for next year when there will be 4 of us and Bella will understand a little more. A lot happened since the last post, so I'll start from the beginning. We started our week off learning how to open the doors, yes Bella is tall enough to reach the knobs hard to believe she's grown that much in 14 months. We also learned how to unscrew caps off of lotion, which was really exciting for mommy considering there was lotion, then sunscreen and then liquid conditioner everywhere.
She had her holiday party at school and came home with her first art project...her hand print in frosting from the cookies they made! She also went down the big slide by herself at school. She is too funny...she now knows the sign for "milk" and "more" so it has helped knowing what she wants. We are so glad she has great teachers. Next was onto Nana's house after the party so I could pick up some pictures for the scrapbook I made my grandparents. She got so excited with the tree and then decided it was time to play the piano...she looks so grown up sitting there.
On Sunday we went to my aunt's house for all of us to eat homemade Mexican food (our long lasting tradition)....yummy! While I was finishing up the scrapbook...daddy thought Bella should wear her Santa hat.
She wasn't sure about the presents, but loved taking the tissue paper out of the bags, so we just kept filling an empty bag with more paper and it kept her busy for awhile.
She LOVED Abby, my aunt's lab...I'm not sure Abby felt the same way since Bella wouldn't leave her alone and kept snuggling and laying all over her.
Christmas Eve we went to church and Bella went to the nursery
Christmas Day, Bella woke up and was so excited to see her zebra, so she hopped on and played for awhile. Then we had breakfast and opened the rest of her presents...her pooh bear car and her shapes cookie jar
She also helped dad empty his stocking and then she stole his york candies.
Later we went to my parent's house and had Tur-Duck-in (Yes that would be a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey). Bella got a giant monkey chair, although she wasn't very interested in opening presents by that point she did have fun with her dishes. Hope everyone had a great holiday and a safe new year.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
crazy week
Sunday, December 09, 2007
PJs & Great-grandparents 68th Anniversary
Well I started the week playing in a suitcase with mom's shoes. This replaced the entertainment of going through mom and dad's bathroom drawers while mom got ready for work. It was followed up by eating my first Christmas cookie in my "I Love Santa" PJs. Then last night after I took a second nap and woke up at 5 (I'm usually in bed by 5:30 or 6) I was ready to run around and watch the Polar Express (well about 15 minutes of it) then I ran around some more.
I love mommy's shoes...and sitting in the suitcase.
Great-grandpa & Great-grandma Shotton...smooching after all these years!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
3 months and counting
As time is flying by so is my pregnancy. I had my 12 week check up today (I know I'm a week off and will be 13 weeks tomorrow), but everything went well and the baby had a strong heart beat.
13 weeks - Fingerprints have formed on the baby's fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. The baby is almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Getting in the holiday spirit
It's hard to believe it's december and christmas is around the corner. Joel got the tree up and was too cute trying to decorate it with Bella. I was studying and they knocked to see if I wanted to help decorate. Joel and the holiday station on and decorations everywhere. Bella of course helped empty the boxes and found some beads which were the most fun...the actually entertained her for almost an hour. She wasn't too excited that the tree was in the "kennel" and she couldn't take the ornament off, but we figured it was safer for everyone in the house. Papa and Nana stopped by before heading to the office christmas party to bring Bella presents from New York. Bella loved the paper in the bag and her new snowman slippers, but the fur on the dress and the hat she didn't know to fight with it or eat it.
Since we didn't know what blogging was until earlier this year, I though I would put up pictures from last year. Bella is so tiny.