Thursday, July 26, 2007

Playing with Daddy

I must admit that I was sitting in my office working today with the door close when I heard the most precious thing...Joel was reading Cinderella to Bella in the great room. He is so amazing with her and I am jealous of the time they get to spend with each other, since I have been working more, but it makes me love him more. She was and I think will always be daddy's little princess. She is so adorable that when we look at her we both just want to grab her and hug and kiss her.

We keep trying to get a picture of her standing up by herself but it doesn't last long and once she sees the camera she just wants to crawl and grab here are a few others. Joel got a little camera happy today too, so it's not just me taking 100s of pictures!! Big, blue eyes...with really long lashes
She has so much hair...I can't wait to put it in pigtails!!

Joel said she looked like Maggie from the Simpsons, since her pjs were a little long this morning.


Bonnie Newell said...

Okay, so you made me cry with your comment about Joel and Bella. (I know, but what is new since I cry at the drop of a hat anyway!!) Just want you both to know that I think you are wonderful parents.