Monday, July 30, 2007

Everyday life

Okay...I may be a little blog happy, but she is just too cute and funny not to share our everyday experiences. I wish I could bottle up feeling and share it with everyone...the amount of joy is just so overwhelming sometimes. Some of my favorite times are watching her explore the little things...a blade of grass, Cosmo's hair on the carpet, a line on the tile, what sounds two objects make when banging them together.

One of my absolute favorite times, ever since she could smile, is going into her room after she wakes up from sleeping all night or a nap. She gets the biggest smile on her face and squeals with delight once she sees one of us. This has started to include seeing Cosmo and Zona in the morning (the rise and shine committee). I think all three of them get just as excited. First Zona goes in and will sometime jump up to say hi, Bella will squeal, then it's Cosmo's turn to give a kiss...he's big enough not to have to jump up! Then once we pick her up and give her our hugs and kisses she starts waving her arms and kicking her feet with excitement...because she knows it's time to eat!!!

Bath time has always been another favorite time at our house. she just plays and wears me out more than chasing her around the house. Her hair is getting so long that it is taking longer and longer to towel dry...we may have to move to the blow dryer soon.

Hope everyone is having a good week.