Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January & 18 months

I can't believe January is over. Work was so busy I'm not sure where all the time went, but we did get to do a few fun things. I took the kids to the zoo and Jeremiah LOVED the animals. He was so excited about the monkeys and the tiger and the raffes.

We went to the park the other day...the weather was so nice. It was hard to keep up with the little man...he was everywhere and getting faster and faster. He has no fear of the big slides.

Our little guy is getting so big. At his appointment he was 25 pounds and 32 3/4 inches. He is putting 2-3 words together - over there, what's that, don't know. He has no fear. He loves to bounce around, climb and spin. He also has decided that he should not be in his high chair anymore but sitting at the big table. At his check up his doctor thought he was very advanced in his speech and development. I think he's just trying to keep up with his sisters. He still loves Madagascar 3 and wants to watch the "Mooovie" in the car, in the house and on the ipad. He is so funny, I think he has it memorized. He will clap and dance and laugh at certain parts. He loves his basketball hoop too and can get the ball in most of the time.  He loves his sisters and is so cute calling for them down the hall at school "Bella" and "Gaba". He says "bye Bella" when we drop her off in the morning. I'm not sure how happy he'll be when we drop both Gabby and Bella off next year. He gives great sloppy kisses and snuggles. He just keeps us all smiling.
 Two favorite things - football and Papa

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Sweet Prayers about Life

Sweet prayer tonight although Bella takes after the Newell side with prayers.

Bella has been very curious about babies and where they come from. We went to the zoo and she had lots of questions about birth, so I think some of her prayer tonight stemmed from her trying to figure that out. I'm not sure it helped having older kids in daycare talking about sex and she trying to peace a conversation with little understanding of what it is, but here was her prayer: 

God, I love all of your creations they are amazing and beautiful. I don't understand how though the first people were made without a mommy and daddy. It confuses me and seems impossible, I just don't understand. But the more I learn about you and the stories from mommy and daddy you are more awesome and just awesomeness. I love everything you create and can't wait to learn more about you because the more I learn the awesomer you are.

Gabby and I and now Joel came down with a nasty bug, so I'm pretty sure that's what Gabby was referencing tonight:"God if you get sick too, make sure not to share your germs with your friends like Joseph and Mary...and drink lots of water and juice"