Thursday, December 20, 2012

Losing Teeth

Gabby lost her first tooth on the 6th of December. It had been loose for awhile, but when I picked her up from school she had really wiggled it a lot that day. She asked if I could pull it and it popped right out. She was so excited that she was finally able to use the princess tooth fairy pillow Uncle Ryan had found that Bella had gotten to use 8 times already. She woke up to find $5!
The day before Christmas Eve we were at some friends house. Gabby had wiggled the 2nd tooth and was ready for it to be pulled. Kendall also had a loose tooth but we couldn't convince her to let us pull hers out. Gabby let me pull it out again, but she wanted to wait to put it under her pillow until the following night. She wanted the Tooth Fairy and Santa to come in the same night. Daddy said, "oh, then they can carpool".