Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jeremiah's first birthday

Last weekend we celebrated the little man's 1st birthday. The day started with Daddy taking J to the barbers to get a trim. His haircut makes him look so big. Pappa and Granna came in for the weekend and since J loves cars it was an appropriate theme. Papa T got Jeremiah a bouncy waterslide for his birthday. He loves it, but I think his sisters love it more.

Hanging out with his friend Jaymin whose 5 months.

Not quite sure about his cake. He had more fun flinging icing all over the place - floors, walls, windows.

One of Papa T's patients makes Indy Car Wagons, so this was his present from Papa and Nana.

This week he has started walking everywhere. He is so funny toddling around. I can't believe my baby is gone and we now have a toddler. I'm cherishing rocking him to sleep and his snuggles because I know they will soon be gone and he'll be too big.