Thursday, May 03, 2012

Loose Teeth

She keeps losing teeth!! She has now lost a total of 5 and according to her she has 9 more loose. There are two in the front that are loose, but we'll see. She pulled her tooth out herself last night after Joel had put her to bed. She came and said that was easy.

Other odds and ends:
Gabby's new answer to everything is 20-15. I'm not sure where she picked this up, but it is the answer she gives every time a number could possibly be the answer....
What time is it? 20-15
How much is that? 20-15
How hot is it? 20-15
Hold old is mommy? 20-15
How tall are you? 20-15

Gabby also keeps calling the cologne we got Joel in Mexico - caflown.

Jeremiah - besides him eating table food he has added some words - he says "Gab-bee" and "la-la" for Bella. He also loves to hear his noises...he makes this espresso machine sound and he has now added screaming at the top of his lungs in the car. I have been working on the girls ignoring him when he does this, so it's starting to go away, but I think he just likes to hear the sounds. It does amaze me that he can say Gabby but can't say Ma-Ma. I think he thinks it's a game. I'll say Ma-Ma and he says Da-Da or Daddy and then we keep going back and forth and he just smiles at me.


The Vaughters said...

I can't believe she's lost so many teeth, Jen!! Holy cow! Look at her sweet little face. :)