Grandma Shotton passed away early Monday morning. (12.13.10). She was two hours late to their 71st anniversary. To say she was amazing is an understatement. When I was little, Ryan and I would spend countless hours at their house with my cousins Les & Nate. We would have sleep overs and build tents. We'd wake up to Grandma making us the perfect animal pancakes...I still don't know how her animals came out so perfect no matter what animal it was. We'd play on her typewriter, ride her bike, help her with her strawberries and tomato garden, play in grandpa's old pick up, build tents, go on walks to the duck pond and look for baby eggs, walk and pick wild flowers in Pinetop, build forts, play her organ or her harmonica, road trips to Kansas, the memories could go on and on. She encouraged us to explore and be adventurous. Her face would light up when we'd walk into the room. Her family meant the world to her, but so did God. He always came first and she was a true prayer warrior. Her faith was unwavering and her service was steadfast. She and my grandfather were amazing examples and love and faith. I enjoyed reading her devotions to her and she would always say "that was a good one". She was beautiful and her eyes shined. Her wisdom always was true. Although I am happy she is back with Grandpa and both are with the Lord, it still leaves an empty space in all of our hearts. Grandma and Grandpa you will be missed and although I'm sure Nate is showing you
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Grandma Shotton
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Getting ready for the holidays
Well I finally had time to sit down and catch up the blog. I know I haven't been so good about this, so hopefully everyone follows us on seems easier to put snippets about what is going on on there. So anyway here's a little catch up.
The girls in typical fashion have been funny. Their personalities are becoming more unique. You can tell in how they say good night. The other day Bella said "Mommy I love you all the way to Heaven" Gabby said "Good Night Toodles".
Bella is very sensitive. She'll say "I love you mommy" out of the blue, or come up and hug us. She gets worried people don't like her clothes, so I'm trying to instill that it doesn't matter as long as she does. The other day she wanted to buy presents for kids that didn't have any. It means a lot that she's learning the importance of giving at such a young age.
Her inquisitive little mind did get a rock stuck up her nose a few weeks ago. I had to go pick her up and then Papa had to get it out with forceps...pinchers as she called them. It took 3 of us to hold her down. I think she was for afraid of forceps than it actually hurt her.
Gabby is our little comedian. She seems to be okay with having a brother or a sister now. For awhile she would insist on only having a sister. We would try and tell her that Jesus would decide what we would have and we'll be happy with a brother or sister and she would reply "Jesus better pick a sister, a girl, girl, girl". Finally she has turned the corner when I explained she could play catch with a brother, since she loves sports and has quite an arm. I think she's just excited to be a big sister. She prays for the baby every night and hugs and kisses my tummy. She is still a little lover and definitely Daddy's girl. We are trying to discipline her more as we recognize she gets away with so much more than Bella.
Polar Express
Last night we drove up to Williams, AZ to go to on the Polar Express up to the North Pole.We headed on a carriage ride before dinner...Bert was our horse and Bella thought that would be a good name for her brother...if we have a boy...not so sure about that.
After dinner we put on our pjs and got on our train.
Gabby loved the hot chocolate
Bella was so excited when we got to the North Pole. Her face was smashed on the glass in awe. When Santa got onto our car he started at the other end. She was so excited bouncing on her seat. He handed them bells and Gabby now like Santa. She didn't touch him, but she didn't cry either.
We sang carol on the way back and even shy Gabby joined the other kids at the front of the train. Bella of course was one of the first out of her seat if you can see her little face in the back. Bella didn't know the words, but it didn't stop her from singing.
The conductor came and punch their tickets so it would snow on their heads.
We had a lot of fun...and can't wait to go back when Gabby's a little older and the baby too.
The night before Thanksgiving we headed up to Pinetop and when we woke up the next morning it was snowing. "Hundreds of snow" according to Bella. So we got the girls bundled up and headed outside.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Soon to be a family of 5
So we found out last week that I'm pregnant with our third (probably another girl). I'm still wrapping my head around this soon to be reality, but we are all so excited. I'm due July 17th and I'm hoping I'll be early like I was with both girls...not sure about having a baby when it's 115 outside. Bella wants a brother and Gabby wants a sister, so at least one will be excited. Gabby is so funny...I don't think she really knows what this all means...she keeps asking if the baby is going to come to Target and the grocery store with us. Both girls keep hugging and kissing my tummy. One thing is for sure...this is going to be a very loved sibling!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Our growing girls
I can't believe how fast our girls are growing. I just bought Bella size 6 jeans thinking they'd last through the winter, but then she grew again and back to shopping for size 7s. Luckily I was able to find a few pairs of shorts left. She is going to be tall.
Their personalities are coming out more and more. Bella is definitely the drama queen and LOVES animals. She says she is going to be a horsey girl when she grows up. Gabby on the other hand would be fine seeing them from a distance. I'm not sure if it's because Bella was around with Cosmo and Zona, but Bella has my love of animals.
They are both sensitive and caring. They pray for anyone who is hurt. It is really cute. Gabby's teacher hurt her hand and the next day she told Miss Katie that she prayed for her thumb to get better. Sometimes Gabby's prayers are funny. The other night she said, "Thank you God for my people." I'm not sure who her people are.
Bella also loves to clean and pick up. It is actually nice as she will pick up the entire playroom. Gabby (our little sassy pants) put herself in timeout the other day so she wouldn't have to pick up. Needless to say, she still had to pick up once she let herself out of timeout. She is so smart. They both are, but Gabby seems to process through final outcomes more than Bella.
Gabby loves to run around. She is in gymnastics at school and has been doing jumping jacks everywhere. She would rather wrestle or play catch. She also loves her dolls. Bella loves to run around but she loves dressing up and puzzles and coloring. She has about 8 pictures in her cubby every day at school.
They are both very independent, but Gabby seems to be a little more strong willed than Bella...I didn't know that would be possible. Lately when I ask her anything if it's the 2nd time to clarify she'll say "I already told you mom I want milk" or "I already said..." She is also quite a clown. Her laugh cracks me up...sometimes it seems like a curiosity laugh. She found Nana's scary Halloween wolf the other day and won't stop talking about Nana's wolf. She keeps saying Nana's wolf went back to the forest.
October Recap
So I can't believe October is almost over, so I'll try to give a brief recap. It was a crazy month to say the least. Pappa and Granna came out the first weekend to celebrate Bella's birthday early.
Well I will try to be better about posting. It has been one crazy summer and that has turned into one crazy fall and winter.