Saturday, October 31, 2009

My birthday, the girls and funny stories

I was playing with the girls today and decided to try a pony on Gabs...and she looked so cute...
Last weekend we celebrate Chad and my birthdays at ROKA yummy..the girls were big fan of their cups and straws.
Bella did so great with chopsticks and sushi
Monkey See Monkey Do...

The girls seem inseparable lately. Gabby would follow Bella to the end of the earth...I typically hear her saying "Bella where are you?" when trying to find her, or "hi bella" from her car seat.
Bella all dressed up before breakfast.
Gabby made a picnic on the blanket the other day, which included her cup, snack and books.
Bella "shopping" around the house.
A few weeks ago was spirit week at school. So the girls dressed up in their OSU dresses Granna had made them.
Doing art the other day...we made pumpkins and that didn't last long so we added turkeysputting on make up
Gabs and her books...she loves all the animals ones and makes the noises with it. Oinking like a pig is hard so she moos, but she's got the rooster down...and it's too cute.Rocking their babies

Other recent events would including me slamming Bella's hand in the car the other day. I had my hands full and Gabby loves to run once the doors open from daycare, so I was trying to not let her run into the street and opened the passengers door and threw all the papers and cups in (thinking Bella was behind me with her old teacher) and shut the door. Bella said "mommy" and I just knew what happened without seeing it. I turned and her whole hand was in the car door. I opened it and it bruised we headed to find Papa T to look at it. Luckily it was just bruised and swollen but no broken bones...probably got lucky that her whole hand was in the door instead of a few fingers.

The other day Joel and I heard "Yeah Gabby did it" so curious we went into Bella's room to find Gabby on the top bunk...still have no idea how she got up there and how Bella helped her. She is a climber and I ended up going with dad on Wednesday to check out a bump from when she drove off a climbing toy and landed with her head on a corner of the table.

Bella has also started making up "once upon a time" stories. they are pretty cute. They spent the night with mom and dad a few weeks ago and went to see our friend's daughter win junior homecoming court. So her story went like this "Once upon a time there was a princess, Mackenzie, and a king. I was the princess and we lived in a pink castle. We ate cookies and cupcakes and had pancakes for breakfast. The end. And that all really happened mommy."


Nana said...

Tried to not advertise the fact we kept the girls out past their bed time, however Bella had to tell her mom her "once upon a time" story the next day. They were truly right up there as the hit of the evening along with princess McKenzie. Pretty funny...3 yr olds can't keep secrets!!