So it has become even more challenging these days since Bella has to do everything herself..."I dood it myself mommy". The more words she puts together it seems like the more opinionated she gets. This goes from getting dressed to pouring cereal to picking out pjs to getting into the tub and car seat. She becomes more independent everyday, so it has been challenging trying to convince her to let us help....however most of the time she just cracks me up. She has to pick out Gabby and her pjs, what Gabby has for dinner, what type of cereal she wants, pushing the button on the Gabby's breathing treatments, etc...and if you attempt to do it first she freaks out....I mean tears and tantrums. The other night Joel picked her up and put her in the tub and she started screaming because she wanted to crawl in by herself.
Yesterday we were watching word world in bed and I asked her what she wanted for breakfast and she replied "umm chicken nuggets and ketchup"...I finally convinced her that chicken nuggets weren't a breakfast food so she finally settled on oatmeal.
Today she wanted to wear her pjs to school with her princess shoes...and once again I had to convince her to wear school clothes and shoes and socks. We compromised and when I picked her up she promptly put on her yellow princess shoes and ran (yes ran in plastic heels) to show Nana her shoes and purse when we picked Gabby up.
I asked her what she wanted for dinner....and that response was "fru snacks and cup cakes". So once again she got a mini cupcake after she ate dinner. She loves to help and her teachers love it...however I believe it more bossing the other kids around than helping. Gabby has been grabbing everything and she's pretty quick so we've dubbed her "Grabby Gabby". The other day she got Bella's sippy cup and Bella quickly told her "No Grabby Gabby, No Touch". It's so funny to watch them together and for Bella to learn to share...since she lets everyone know that everything is hers..."My Mommy", "My Daddy", "My Gabby"...she yells at the kids when I drop her off or pick her up..."my mommy"'s a work in progress.
Well enough rambling...I'll put more pictures up this weekend.
Hilarious... it's so amazing that something so small can have such an opinion about everything, isn't it?! I actually just ordered The Strong Willed Child by Dr. Dobson last night to see if I can figure out how to curb Mia's little 'tude. Thanks for sharing and making us feel like we're not alone with a decisive 2 year old!!
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