Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Making her own decisions

So it has become even more challenging these days since Bella has to do everything herself..."I dood it myself mommy". The more words she puts together it seems like the more opinionated she gets. This goes from getting dressed to pouring cereal to picking out pjs to getting into the tub and car seat. She becomes more independent everyday, so it has been challenging trying to convince her to let us help....however most of the time she just cracks me up. She has to pick out Gabby and her pjs, what Gabby has for dinner, what type of cereal she wants, pushing the button on the Gabby's breathing treatments, etc...and if you attempt to do it first she freaks out....I mean tears and tantrums. The other night Joel picked her up and put her in the tub and she started screaming because she wanted to crawl in by herself.
Yesterday we were watching word world in bed and I asked her what she wanted for breakfast and she replied "umm chicken nuggets and ketchup"...I finally convinced her that chicken nuggets weren't a breakfast food so she finally settled on oatmeal.
Today she wanted to wear her pjs to school with her princess shoes...and once again I had to convince her to wear school clothes and shoes and socks. We compromised and when I picked her up she promptly put on her yellow princess shoes and ran (yes ran in plastic heels) to show Nana her shoes and purse when we picked Gabby up.
I asked her what she wanted for dinner....and that response was "fru snacks and cup cakes". So once again she got a mini cupcake after she ate dinner. She loves to help and her teachers love it...however I believe it more bossing the other kids around than helping. Gabby has been grabbing everything and she's pretty quick so we've dubbed her "Grabby Gabby". The other day she got Bella's sippy cup and Bella quickly told her "No Grabby Gabby, No Touch". It's so funny to watch them together and for Bella to learn to share...since she lets everyone know that everything is hers..."My Mommy", "My Daddy", "My Gabby"...she yells at the kids when I drop her off or pick her up..."my mommy"'s a work in progress.

Well enough rambling...I'll put more pictures up this weekend.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Playdate at the Zoo

Yesterday we went to the zoo with the Oestreichs, so Bella could have a date with Logan. We had so much fun and the weather was perfect...70s...gotta love that Arizona weather...although Molly being pregnant not sure I would have walked around as much as we did! So here is Tim pushing the kids on their date.Looking at the Baboons.

Gabby just loved looking around
On daddy's shoulders looking at the lions.
Me and the girls
So I had to throw this picture in to go with the funny story of the day. We had been at the zoo a couple of hours when we reached the orangutan exhibit. Bella told Joel she had to potty, and we said we pull out the map to find the closest bathroom...then we look down to see Bella with her pants around her ankles getting ready to squat! Apparently her fear of public bathrooms is the bathroom part not the public part! She didn't go...Joel quickly picked her up and headed to the food court....where she actually did go potty (he did bribe her with m&ms). She also went at the restaurant later that day...we were so proud (bribed her with chalk) she usually goes in and then screams "no potty" and then holds it for 7 hours...but not yesterday...I was proud and hope we are making progress.
Running through the zoo.
Brushing the goats.
Logan giving Bella some love at the elephants.
A few more...the other morning I came out to Bella doing Gabby's hair. She would "spray" her leave-in conditioner and the brush her hair.
So Gabby has given up for the time being regarding crawling on her knees. Now she just keeps sticking her butt in the air like she is doing yoga and moves around that way.
Playing outside in the sandbox...Gabby was a big fan of eating the sand.
Today Bella was all kisses while Gabby was on the floor.
How beautiful is she.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

busy bees

So we've been a little busy since the first of the year...and this past week we've all been sick. Gabby even had her first ear infection that started on Friday (and she weighed in at 19 1/2 pounds at the doctors office). We were going to go get her ears pierced this weekend but she lucked out with her ear infection. Maybe next weekend. The weather has been perfect lately and in the upper 70s. So here's a little catch up of what we've been doing. New Year's Day we celebrated Uncle RyRy's birthday.

Gabby enjoyed the grass.
Bella enjoyed jumping (she seems to be jumping all day), riding (someone pushing) her bike and playing basketball with Chad, Steph & Daddy.

She also enjoyed Daddy taking her on a flight. We've also been...wrestling.
Bowling (Bella was the best cheerleader) no matter what happened she would cheer gutter balls and all.
Playing dress up
Becoming obsessed with tags
Having finger puppet shows.
Looking cute
Playing in the tub...Gabby got a new seat because she kept lunging out of her baby tub trying to get Bella.
Trying puffs. Bella used to Love these but Gabby's still not very sure.
And finally we've been attempting to crawl. I keep thinking any moment. Gabby is so frustrated she hasn't figured it out yet. She's tried everything...rocking, rolling, trying to move with her feet...but in the end she still only go backwards. The other day she rolled from one end of the room to the other and then started giggling when she reached the other side. It hasn't stopped her from getting what she wants, but Bella has been on the floor trying to show her how to do it...and you can tell she just wants to go and chase her big sister.

So as you can tell...we've been busy. We've reorganized the house/toys so it isn't a complete disaster anymore. Gabby is feeling better although frustrated at crawling. Bella is just our crazy independent daughter. She is into dressing took almost an hour this week one morning because every time I offered my helped she would say "No Mommy...I dood it". She also uses this line with everything. She is big on doing everything herself. Even going to the potty she shuts the door and says "bye-bye Mommy"...which is always an interesting sight once she's done...since she also likes to help empty her potty into the big potty. She has been putting everything and everyone to bed too. She'll put her dolls in bed, cover them up, turn on the music and close the door. It started with dolls in her bed, but has progressed to objects outside her room (books, toys, us). She'll put her blanket on us and say "Go Night Night Mommy...Shhhh". Her need to do everything right now is frustrating at times...especially when you're trying to get out of the house, but then she'll snuggle up and give you a kiss. She's too adorable...even if she's driving us crazy...sometimes you just have to laugh, just hope it's not when the other one is trying to discipline her.

Finally we are adjusting to being dogless. It's so strange not to have Cosmo to step over or have his hair on everything. I'm glad to know he's playing with Zona again, but Bella had gotten really close to him so every once in awhile she'll ask for him or try and put food in his bowl. Mainly right after it happened, but Friday she randomly asked where he was on the way to school. I explained he was up in heaven with Zona and she sadly said okay, asked for her blanket and let out a few tears while looking out the window...broke my heart.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great week. Go Cardinals (never thought I'd say that).

Friday, January 02, 2009

Cosmo 1995-2009

After 13 years of great friendship we had to make a hard decision to put Cosmo (MoMo) down this morning. He had been hurting for a while and it was hard for him to get up without help. New Years Eve Night he started whimpering in pain, so it was a very hard decision but knew it was best for him. He was a great friend to all of us and will be missed. There are so many memories and he was there through horse shows, marriage, moving three times and our two little girls. He was always the protector or me and especially when Bella was born...he was a little daddy bear watching over her. We will miss you...