Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dedicating Jeremiah

On Mother's Day we dedicated Jeremiah. Pappa and Granna got to come to celebrate with us.

After church we headed to Papa and Nana's for brunch. The girls made fruit salad, Papa T made omelets and Ryan made his famous yummy waffles with homemade syrup.
We celebrated Gabby's birthday a little early too. She wanted to go to Red Robin and Cold Stone.

 The kids had fun with Pappa and Granna for a few days.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Our little guy

Our little guy is growing so fast. He is a happy guy most of the time as long as he's has a ball in his hand or is looking at or playing with animals. He LOVES manimals. He knows so many it is astounding...whales, lamas, hyenas, elephants, goats, ribbits, cheeetahs (any cat with spots), etc.
However, he is starting to test his independence. His tantrums don't last long. He is pretty funny in time out as he will try and scoot to see what everyone else is doing.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Auntie, Uncle Shawn and Abe come to visit

The girls got to go on the field of the Diamondbacks game for their soccer teams. Auntie and Uncle Shawn were able to come to the game too and watch the Dbacks and the Rockies.

 The next morning we headed up to Sedona to hike around.

 The kids even got to wade into Slide Rock.

Unfortunately, I got sick while we were there and we ended up going back home early. I was pretty much out of commission most of the weekend, but the kids loved having Auntie and Uncle Shawn visit, but they really LOVED having Abe in the house.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Zoo Field Trip

I was lucky and got to go with Bella on her field trip to the zoo. So many parents attended we got to be in groups of just a few kids.
 We got to see the new baby zebra
 and baby komono dragons who were stuck in the trees

 Bella with Josie and Cordilla
It was one of the few times the male lion was awake and he was playing. 

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Spring Soccer

Bella's team was Red Fire and Gabby's was the Blue Monsters. We are so proud of both girls. Bella and Kendall really blossomed and worked together with passing and team work. Gabby really hung in with tall girls and showed no fear. Both girls love to work hard and are always hustling. Bella's leg is getting really strong and she can kick it in half way down the field. It didn't take long for the other team to realize she needed to back up. Gabby just kept hustling. Both girls scored quite a bit. Jeremiah was just a great cheerleader. He actually figured out what he needed to do with the ball. He dribbles and scores. He was either kicking the ball around or playing in the dirt.

 Pappa and Granna got to see both girls play when they were here for Easter.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


The girls loved decorating eggs with lots of colors and glitter. Jeremiah wasn't so sure about this process and only lasted for about 2 eggs until he was back to playing basketball with daddy.

  Easter we had brunch with Papa, Nana, Pappa, Granna, Ryan, Chad and Amanda at Wild horse Pass.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Training

We took the kids to the Giants vs. Angels Spring Training Game. It was pretty hot so we didn't last long. However, we did enjoy the Italian ice and Jeremiah really enjoyed getting water poured on his head.