Thursday, November 08, 2012

Our little book worms

Bella has been reading and writing up a storm. I have started reading chapter books with her and I'm amazed that she can follow the story line for that long and stays interested. She has always loved to write, but we have been letting her write her own stories without spelling words out. She's doing extremely well. Last night while I was drying her hair she wrote the following story: 
Jeremiah superman
Jeremiah Superman saved the day. When it was Friday we went to get ice cream. There was a storm jeremiah superman saved the day. Go Jeremiah Superman

Speaking of Jeremiah he has become a bookworm too. He loves his books...he carries them around the house looking for anyone's lap to sit on and share. He takes them in the car every morning and looks through them on the way to school and on the way home. He goes through his bucket every night...some of his favorites is his animal book, hungary catepiller, that's not my truck and that's not my puppy. He likes to point at the duck and say "ducky" but he also calls the cow a ducky and then moos.

Field Trip #3 to the Farm

Monday I went with Bella's class to a farm. All six Kindergarten classes went, plus there were 2 other schools so there were kids everywhere. We had a blast. They had a petting zoo, corn maze, bouncy, car ride, tractor and garden to pick veggies from. It was a fun filled day.

Halloween and Pumpkins

Hard to believe Halloween has come and gone. Jeremiah didn't last long in his wagon and after about an hour the girls wanted in it. Gabby kept saying "mommy my bucket is full to the top" near the end she asked to go home. We sure did have some cute butterflies and a handsome race car driver.

Carving our pumpkins...I didn't think we'd get J out of the pumpkin patch. The girls did their pumpkins them out and cutting out the faces.


We had a family get together and did pumpkins for our birthdays. Papa cut out Ariel for Bella and I made Gabby a Minnie Mouse.