Thursday, November 10, 2011

4 months

Jeremiah weighed in at 17.5 pounds and 26.25 inches at his 4 month appt yesterday. Bella had her 5 year appointment and was 59 lbs and 45.5 inches...both kids are in 90-95% in all categories.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Pumpkins & Halloween

Holy cow...when did it become November? I feel though life is in warp speed these days. I can't believe Jeremiah is now 4 months old. The girls LOVE to sing to him...especially Katy Perry's Fireworks. He lights up whenever they are around. They are great helpers with him. He is squealing a lot, I don't think he's figured out how to giggle so he just squeals when he's excited or you tickle him. He likes to kick his legs over and rolls to his sides but not all the way over yet. He lifts his head pretty high when he's on his tummy. He loves his hands and he'll just stare at them...he also loves to suck on them...I think he may be teething. He is just so laid back and smiley...I just love him to pieces. My favorite part of the day is when I rock him to sleep at night.

Gabby has turned into quite a little sassy pants. She has an answer for everything and rationalized every thing you say. The other night I was giving the girls a bath and I told Gabby I was going to wash her hair first. She said "do Bella's", to which I replied "yours is already wet" so she dumped a cup of water on Bella's head and said "now you can do Bella's it's wet too". The only thing that is keeping her in line right now is her not getting candy when she talks back.

Bella is just growing so fast. I can't believe she is 5. She is doing great at school. She is still LOVES drawing and comes home with about 10 pictures everyday.

A few weeks ago we went up to Prescott to a pumpkin patch. Daddy found the perfect pumpkinGabby finally touched a pony...and wasn't scared!Halloween...we had so much fun. Bella was a "good" witch, Gabby was Rapunzel, Jeremiah was a skeleton and I was Cleopatra (or an Indian according to Gabby). We didn't see many kids out trick-or-treating, so the girls ended up with tons of candy since the neighbors were trying to get rid of their candy.The little man lasted until the last street.